Complimentary Cupping Session!
Cupping is a therapeutic technique that comes from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is believed to have numerous health benefits in addition to stimulating the flow of qi ("life force") within the body. This body treatment integrates well with massage therapy, and involves applying a localized negative pressure (suction) to the skin using glass, plastic or silicone cups at targeted areas of the body. The intent of this therapy is to stimulate the function of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It may also help to release congested tissues and loosen adhesions at superficial tissues of the body.
Blood clots
Bleeding disorders
Bruises easily
injured area
Acute skin conditions
Sunburn/skin conditions
Skin lesions
Areas of herniation
Phlebitis/varicose veins
Impaired sensation
Revolution Wellness Collective, LLC is a hands-on Physical Therapy business. Though highly specialized, treatment consists primarily of manual therapy techniques and treatment forms that are published or otherwise publicly known. Forms of deep tissue massage, therapeutic exercise programs, neuromuscular re-education, myofascial release, bone and soft tissue manipulation, as well as other treatment modalities may be used. Some of the hands-on treatment techniques require deep pressure or other instruments which may cause bruising and periods of increased soreness which may last from 6-72 hours. Your therapist will review your plan of care & discuss these treatment options with you in order for you to provide specific consent. Symptoms may also change and move to other parts of the body. This is not unusual and is rarely a concern; however, please ask if you have any concerns or questions. The recovery time can vary due to the age of injury, number of times injured, age of patient and many other contributing factors. I acknowledge that all or a portion of my treatment may take place in an open and/or non-private setting, such as public outdoor areas and gym floor, where third parties not employed by or affiliated with the clinic may be present. I am aware of and consent to the fact that these third parties may overhear some of my protected health information during the course of care and/or observe my course of treatment. Should I need to speak with my treatment provider in total privacy, I understand that my treatment provider will furnish a room for these conversations. I authorize the clinic and its associated health professionals to collect and publish photos and/or videos of my treatment. These photos/videos may be used for promotional and/or informational marketing material. I/We have read and fully understand the above statements. I/We understand the nature of the treatments at Impact Health and Performance, LLC.
I/We authorize the fully trained staff to use treatment techniques as deemed necessary for my safe and effective recovery.
Consent To Treatment
By entering your name and email, you consent to treatment